SPTC Survey - Engaging Male Parents and Carers 2016

SPTC Survey - Engaging Male Parents and Carers 2016

Scottish Parent Teacher Council 

Parents' Voice is the online survey group of the Scottish Parent Teacher Council (SPTC) comprising more than 1000 parents who receive occasional online surveys on topics relating to education and schooling. In this survey, as part of Year of the Dad, we asked how your school or parent group engages male parents and carers, how this could be improved and what benefits it could bring. 

Key findings were:

  • Activities taking place during standard 9am to 5pm work hours is a real preventative factor in dads and male carers being able to participate.
  • Having more events and activities specifically aimed at attracting fathers and male-carers might improve levels of involvement.
  • Another incentive for attendance would be if the activities were making use of the wide range of skills and abilities that parents can offer, including those typically associated with males.

Read the full report here