Fathers in the Workplace Inquiry
In early 2017, the Women and Equalities Committee of the UK Parliament launched an inquiry as new research revealed that many fathers do not feel supported in the workplace to care for their children.
Fathers Network Scotland was one of a number of organisations and individuals submitting written evidence to shine a light on fathers' experience of balancing work and caring responsibilities. We reported on Scottish fathers' experiences, and suggested several key measures which would improve uptake of shared parental leave and increase gender equality at home and at work.
Read moreFather-Child Relationships & Children’s Wellbeing
This Growing Up in Scotland (GUS) study of father-child relationships aims to promote greater understanding of the role of fathers, and factors that strengthen father-child relationships.
Read the Summary Briefing or Full Report
Watch Dr Alison Parkes' summary of the report on YouTube
The study was commissioned by the Scottish Government in collaboration with Fathers Network Scotland as part of the Year of the Dad 2016. The study considers several important issues for policy makers and practitioners involved with family influences on children’s socio-emotional wellbeing.
Read moreSPTC Survey - Engaging Male Parents and Carers 2016
Scottish Parent Teacher Council
Parents' Voice is the online survey group of the Scottish Parent Teacher Council (SPTC) comprising more than 1000 parents who receive occasional online surveys on topics relating to education and schooling. In this survey, as part of Year of the Dad, we asked how your school or parent group engages male parents and carers, how this could be improved and what benefits it could bring.
Read moreYear of the Dad Conference
Our sell-out Year of the Dad Conference took place on Friday 12th February 2016 at the University of Edinburgh. You can catch up on sessions you missed, or refresh your memory, by clicking the text and audio links below. Or browse the full conference programme here.
As part of the first ever Year of the Dad in Scotland this conference aimed to create a day of reflection, dialogue and stimulation for academics, policy-makers and practitioners.
Read moreScottish Fathers and the Labour Market
Stephen Overell, Working Families / Fathers Network Scotland
What evidence exists suggests Scotland has been slow to adopt flexible working.
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