It's Time to #DadUp

Let dads do the hardest, richest job in the world. Fathers Network Scotland says: IT’S TIME TO #DADUP - Help them Care; Give them Leave; Respect their Rights.

It's Time to #DadUp

WINNER: Champions of Equality and Diversity Award at the Marketing Society Star Awards!

WE HAVE A VISIONNarrow_Dad_up_Lock_ups_.jpg
To inspire and create a truly father-friendly world.

A world where diversity is celebrated and the nurturing role of fathers is recognised and respected.

Tired stereotypes trap both genders: what does ‘Man Up’ mean in a world where caring and earning are shared responsibilities?

We all benefit when dads are empowered as caregivers – women, children, families, employers and society at large.

So whether you’re an organisation, a family or a firm, join us in this cultural revolution – and see both homes and workplaces flourish.

Let dads do the hardest, richest job in the world.




As women rightly claim equality in the workplace, fathers need inclusive services and family-friendly working that supports their essential role at home.

#DadUp your organisation or service – and foster a more equal society.

Join our dad-friendly directory and access our ‘Understanding Dad’ training & consultancy.

#DadUp your workplace - because dads who are supported at work are more engaged and productive.

Consult with our Family-Friendly Working Scotland services and help us deliver New Dads Workshops and Seminars for your working dads.

#DadUp in the early years – and see the difference in children’s wellbeing, confidence and attainment.

Get involved & check out the pioneering work with father-inclusive schools and nurseries.

#DadUp at home – even if circumstances take you away from your child it’s quality not just quantity that matters.

Tap into our community, access online resources and a network of support.