Fathers Network Scotland's work is continuing across Scotland as we respond to increased demand for our support. In response, our projects and team continue to use a variety of innovative methods to maintain contact with our network offering support and resources.
We have put together a resource for perinatal health professionals such as midwives and health visitors, specifically for dads who are becoming parents during the Coronavirus pandemic. You will find our printable leaflet here and social media graphics here. If you would like to receive the printed version of the leaflet or find out about our Understanding Paternal Mental Health training (which we're currently delivering via Zoom), then please get in touch with [email protected].
Social Media Graphics downloads
Understanding Paternal Mental Health training
If you work with dads and families, then we encourage you to join our Facebook group. From there, you will have access to our DADx series of Zoom talks, where we here from experts from a variety of backgrounds that are vital to our work with dads and families.
To directly offer support and signposting services to dads, we are continuing to respond to queries via social media and email. We now have a thriving Dads' WhatsApp group, which you can join using this invite or by scanning this QR code with your mobile's camera.
We also have our free dads' SMS support service, which parents or guardians can join by texting DADS to 078600 65202.
As ever, you'll find our directory of father-friendly organisations across Scotland here.
If you have an organisation you would like to add to our directory, then you can do so here.