We need you! If you're based in Scotland and would be willing to talk about how family-friendly your workplace is, our research associates would love to hear about your experiences.
One of our key aims is to encourage employers to think about what dads need at work.
With that in mind we currently have two projects with the University of Edinburgh Business School and Manchester Metropolitan University – and need your help with this research.
1. Firstly, if you work for a small to medium sized organisation employing between 100 and 500 people in Scotland we would like to interview your HR lead and two working dads about your family-friendly policies and practices. Interviews will be in the weeks commencing 5th and 12th June.
2. Secondly, we are looking for dads working in the private sector in the Lothians who have applied for SPL – both those who formally requested it, and those who thought about it but didn’t go ahead. Interviews will take place on the afternoon of 21st June & all day on 22nd June. This is part of a research piece run by Manchester Metropolitan University with Manchester Law School, and you can read more details here.
Both these interviews will take place in person for approximately one hour. They will be completely confidential following a strict code of ethics, and can take place in the venue of your choice.
Please contact [email protected] for more information about either project, or to sign up.
Thankyou in advance for any help you can give us in making our workplaces more father-friendly!