Are you a first time dad? Want to learn new skills in maintaining a healthy balance between your home and work commitments?
Research overwhelmingly shows that children and families benefit from the positive involvement of dads. We all know that work and family life can have conflicting demands, and dads want to know how best to spend their time with their children and how to continue good relationships at home and work.
We are looking for dads with 1 child under 2 years old, in employment and a relationship to participate for a series of three pilot workshops. The workshops are free for you attend and we just ask for feedback on your experience, and to complete questionnaires before and after the events.
There will be up to 15 dads in the workshops and it will be run by experienced facilitators with content designed by the University of Edinburgh. Your feedback will inform further research to support fathers at work as part the Year of the Dad program.
Please find more information here.
***This workshop consists of three workshop sessions and we would ask you to attend all three sessions, in order to be eligible for the pilot. The other dates are: Monday, February 29th and Monday, March 7th. Times as above.***
We will serve snacks from 5.30-6 pm.