1-3 Henderson Pl
An independent charity helping West Lothian children to get the best start in life.
Listed as
The Broxburn Family Centre
The Family Centre is a place in the community where you can make friends, share your struggles, learn new things and find amazing play opportunities for your children.
“It has given me and my son a place to go to socialise and have fun. I enjoy the adult company, conversation and learning new skills.”
Our Family Learning programme is for parents and carers with children under 5.
Things we do include:
- Parent and child play – Playbabies, Playdays, Family Fridays at The Range, Early Years Play zone at the Range during the summer holidays
- Play sessions just for children – Story Play, Outdoor Adventure Play, Mini Manky Monday
- Learning for parents, informal groups meeting in the Family Centre and supported by childcare in our Playroom – New You, Cooking, Numeracy, Craft, Wake up your brain, Move it!, First Aid.