I went to bed last night and he was on the TV explaining what a good deal the public sector pensions are and how hard the Govt is working to make things fair. I got up this morning and he was on the Radio explaining what a good deal the public sector pensions are and how hard the Govt is working to make things fair. It must be thoroughly dull having to cover the same ground over and over again in interview after interview after interview.
Danny Alexander. I met him once. In fact I was a speaker at the same event, on the same platform, in the salubrious surroundings of Dow’s Diner. He was the celebrity guest and I was, well....It was an event organised by a local charity called HAPIS (www.hapis.org.uk) which does a very good work in supporting those who struggle, both men and women, with post-natal depression. And because the emphasis was on Fathers we (Danny and me) had been invited along to share our experiences of new fatherhood.
He was a thoroughly nice man and spoke very well and so did I and I had the pleasure in gifting him a copy of Rob Parson’s book, ‘The 60 Minute Father’. Who would have thought that a couple of years on he would be in such a lofty position in Government. Having risen to great heights I wonder if there will be a great fall not only for him but for all Lib Dems,, having gone into partnership with the Conservatives. Maybe they will be wiped out by the electorate at the next election for what many see as a treachery.
If he does find himself out of work I can give him some tips on being a stay-at-home-Dad and advice on what day-time TV channels are worth watching and which ones are mince. I might even meet up with him at Dow’s if he can afford my fees, him being on Job-Seeker’s Allowance, if you know what I mean. He should be ok though because he has just bumped that up in the Autumn Budget. Perhaps he is thinking ahead.