Join us this coming Tuesday as Scott Mair discusses the need for more engagement in rural areas and how to effectively engage with fathers in these communities. He’ll be highlighting findings from our Figuring Out Fatherhood pilot sessions where we worked with NHS Highlands to support new dads!
Rural dads from remote areas face unique challenges on their journey to fatherhood. Feelings of isolation, limited access to key healthcare services, increased rates of suicide, and inequalities in social, professional, and peer support that is available to them are a few examples of how the transition into fatherhood for these dads can be complex.
We piloted our Figuring Out Fatherhood project - alongside NHS Highland - to help recognise and respond to the support these dads deserve. Scott led a series of online sessions with expectant and new dads to help them transition to fatherhood in ways which protect the wellbeing of both themselves and their children.
These sessions educated dads on the psychological impact of fatherhood and provided knowledge, skills and practical strategies to foster meaningful bonds with their newborns. The response to this pilot project unequivocally showed the need for more support as dads who attended reported feeling: more prepared, reassured, less anxious, and thought about fatherhood in a new light.
Find out more by registering below 👇
📅 Tue, 26th Mar / 🕒 2PM - 3PM