Many men and boys use porn. Often quite a lot. It is free, anonymous and always available. But is it risk free?
On Thursday 28 January at 10am join Darryl Mead, CEO of The Reward Foundation to find out how pornography use has the power to affect our mental and physical health and how to talk about this taboo subject.
Before internet porn became a big thing, when broadband and fast internet arrived in our lives in the 2000s, erectile problems affected less than 1 in 20 men under 40. Now research shows up to 1 in 3 men under 30 have problems achieving an erection during partnered sex.
In this session we will explore how pornography use has the power to affect our mental and physical health. It has the potential to change our relationships and our lives. I will also offer some suggestions about how to talk about pornography.
Darryl Mead is an expert on the way the internet has changed the way our society thinks about pornography. He established the first free public internet facility in Scotland in 1996 and has advised the Scottish and UK governments on the challenges of our transition to a digital society. Darryl the Chief Executive Officer of The Reward Foundation, a sex and relationship education charity based in Edinburgh.
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