Fathers have evolved to be incredibly flexible in what they can provide for their families, so they can meet the demands of the situation they're in.
Lockdown is highlighting the need in modern times to value hands-on dads throughout society. On Tuesday 9 June at 2pm join Dr Mairi Macleod, Evolutionary Biologist, Science Writer & Consultant to find out why men are biologically adapted to be hands on dads when the conditions are right. How we can change workplace practice to let dads be dads? What are the benefits to employers, dads and the whole family? And could lock-down help change things for the better in the future? Join the conversation!
Dr Macleod is pioneering the use of an understanding of our evolved motivations to demonstrate how we can change our environment, habits and attitudes to better suit our needs in the modern world. She applies this in the workplace, in relationships, and in families, and has a special interest in improving flexibility and equality in parenting.
Mairi has spoken widely on her work for corporates, conferences and public events and writes for New Scientist Magazine, the Guardian, the Sunday Times, the Observer and many more.
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