Making Use of Work-Family Balance Entitlements
Jessica Moran and Alison Koslowski, University of Edinburgh
Exploring how employers can support fathers with combining employment and caregiving,
Read as published in Community, Work & Family
Public perceptions of fathers and fatherhood are shifting. The introduction of new family policies by the UK government mirrors these changes, in recognition of a broadening role of UK fathers beyond that of mainly financial provider to also encompass the role of active caregiver. However, overall progress toward more gender equality in parenting has been stalled in part by the lack of a movement to reshape men's work and family life.
Read moreBreastfeeding & Shared Parental Leave - 5 things you need to know
Is breastfeeding still a realistic option if mum goes back to work leaving dad in charge? SARAH EDWARDS of the Breastfeeding Network offers expert advice for parents deciding how to split parental leave.
Shared leave brings many advantages and it is great for both mums and dads to spend time getting to know their baby during the first year. Of course, it can also bring challenges and how to balance breastfeeding and shared parental leave can be one of them - especially if you want to continue breastfeeding once mum goes back to work and takes the vital equipment with her!
Here are five things we think it might be helpful for parents to know when they are talking about shared parental leave and breastfeeding...
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