Seminar - Strengthening Father-Child Relationships: What the Evidence Suggests

Seminar - Strengthening Father-Child Relationships: What the Evidence Suggests

Following Year of the Dad, we would like to invite you to reflect on what new evidence there is from the Growing up in Scotland (GUS) longitudinal survey on Father-Child Relationships and how this sits with other evidence on the impact of fathers on their children's well-being.

Sponsored by Children in Scotland and the Scottish Government, this briefing will give practitioners, academics and policy makers an opportunity to discuss the findings of such research and how this might be used in practice.

Adrienne Burgess, CEO of the Fatherhood Institute, will be giving the keynote address on fathers’ impact on children. We’ll also have the opportunity to review the latest GUS report on Father-child relationships and socio-emotional well-being, by researchers at MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow.


9.15 Registration and coffee

9.45 Welcome from Chair

Sam Pringle, Fathers Network Scotland

9.50 New findings from the Growing Up in Scotland - Father-child relationships and child wellbeing

Dr. Alison Parkes, University of Glasgow

10.15 The Dad Dividend - Why Dad's Matter 

Adrienne Burgess, Fatherhood Institute

11.00 Coffee break

11.20 Table discussions

12.00 What next for research?

Line Knudsen, ScotCen

12.15 What next for policy?

Joe Griffin, Deputy Director, Children and Families Directorate, Scottish Government

12.25 Final remarks from Chair

12.30 Close


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March 16, 2017 at 9:15am - 12:30pm
Royal College of Physicians
9 Queen St
Edinburgh EH2 1JQ
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Cathy Sexton ·

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